Terms of Service

1. No Nonsense: Here at getfoz.com, we're all about the fun stuff. We're not your lawyer, your mom, or the internet police. We're just here to facilitate opinion trading. So, behave yourself. Or don't. But don't say we didn't warn you if you end up in a heated debate over whether pineapple belongs on pizza.

2. Play Nice: While we encourage spirited debates, let's keep it civil. Nobody likes a keyboard warrior. And we reserve the right to step in if things get too salty. Remember, opinions are like belly buttons - everybody's got one, and they're not always pretty.

3. No Time Travel: Our platform operates in the here and now. That means your brilliant prediction about the 2020 Presidential election won't hold much weight in 2023. Let's stick to the current space-time continuum, folks.

4. Privacy Shmivacy: We'll do our best to protect your data. But this is the internet, folks. If you wouldn't shout it in a crowded room, maybe think twice before posting. Just a thought.

5. Sorcerer's Apprentice Rule: You are responsible for your actions on our platform. If you accidentally trade your favorite opinion on whether cats are superior to dogs for an opinion that dogs are, in fact, the best - well, that's on you. We're not magicians, and we can't untrade your trades.

6. Keep Your Receipts: Opinions traded are final. If you swap your belief that ketchup is a proper pasta sauce (ew) for the belief that socks and sandals are a fashion crime (true), there's no returns department. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Remember, these TOS are designed to keep things light-hearted and respectful. Now, go forth and trade your heart out!

Last updated